Doane bookstore: textbooks, apparel and merchandise
Whether you're a student, proud family member or alum eager to show off your Tiger pride, the Doane Bookstore is your go-to place for everything related to Doane.
Hours and Location
The Doane Bookstore can be found on the Crete campus, lower level in the Perry Campus Center. It is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Tiger eBooks
Doane students can buy or rent textbooks online through our bookstore partner, Follet.

Apparel and Merchandise
Go Tigers! Show off your Tiger pride with shirts, sweatshirts, mugs and more.
Tiger eBooks+
Doane University is excited to announce Tiger eBooks+! This program is a digital-first approach for textbooks. You’re able to access the digital textbook directly through your Canvas course, eliminating the hassle to find your course textbook. There will be a fee attached to each course to cover the cost of your textbook. One week prior to the start of your class, you will receive an email from Follett (Doane's Bookstore) containing all the necessary information to access your textbook.
Tiger eBooks+ FAQs
How does Tiger eBooks+ work?
Tiger eBooks+ takes the hassle out of getting course materials by providing students with convenient access to their required materials for the lowest price available. Doane has an opt-out model and includes digital materials, physical materials, or both.
Follett works on behalf of Doane to negotiate required material prices with publishers down to the lowest possible price. Follett then works with Doane’s bookstore to ensure all required digital materials appear in the student’s Canvas and all required physical materials are prepared for pickup by the first day of class, as applicable.
All students are automatically enrolled in the program, and students who are not interested in the material savings can opt-out of the program each term with no penalty. Students who opt-out of the program are responsible for finding and purchasing their own required materials.
If a student requires ADA accommodations, please contact the Director of Disability Services at [email protected].
Is the program mandatory, or can students opt-out of the program?
All students are automatically enrolled in the program once they register for their courses. Students may choose to opt-out and remove themselves from the program before the opt-out deadline for a full refund. If a student opts-out, they are then responsible for finding/purchasing their required materials independently. Students must take action to opt-out of the program each term. There is no penalty for opting out.
What if a student opted-out/opted-in by mistake or changed their mind?
If the opt-out/opt-in period has not ended, students can opt back in/out by going to the opt-out portal and choosing “opt-in”/”opt-out”. They can login to the opt-out portal by clicking an opt-out link provided in their Doane student email.
How am I notified about the program?
Faculty will be notified at the point of adoptions and students will be notified at the point of course registration. Additionally, all participating students and faculty will receive communications to their Doane student email address providing them with all necessary program information including deadlines, fees and how to opt-out/opt-in as available. Be on the lookout for emails.
Program Benefits:
Faculty can begin teaching on day one of classes as all students are prepared with their correct materials.
Required course materials are available digitally in the student’s Canvas by day one of class, with no waiting in line.
Easy access and management of digital course materials in the student’s Canvas.
Reduced student stress related to finding and purchasing the correct course materials in time for the start of classes.
Digital platforms offer key features such as: highlighting, flash cards and note-sharing, leading to greater success in the course.
Up to 60% lower than equivalent pricing for required course materials.
Will students save money?
Yes! Students can save up to 60% off the original price thanks to the bookstore’s relationships with publishing partners and bulk purchasing power. The program also reduces student stress during the purchasing process and provides a method to easily access, manage and use all course materials regardless of format or cost.
How do students get their required course materials?
Once students register for courses, the student is automatically enrolled in Tiger eBooks+ and the Doane bookstore will get all required materials for that course ready for them! Students will receive confirmation emails to their Doane email account sharing details to access digital materials in the Canvas, as applicable. If the student has physical materials, the bookstore will communicate with them when they can pick up these materials, as applicable.
Students will find this information in the emails, as applicable:
Important Information Regarding your Course Materials for the Upcoming Term | Faculty & Students
- Your Order is Ready for Pick-Up | Students with physical materials
What type of materials will students receive?
Depending on the classes and the course materials required, students may receive a combination of digital course materials, physical textbooks, printed lab manuals or workbooks.
How do I get my course materials?
Only required digital and/or physical materials for courses participating in the program are included. For additional recommended materials, you can order these materials online or visit the Doane bookstore where staff will be happy to assist you.
What is the difference between “Required” and “Recommended” course materials, and which is included in the program?
- Required: it is necessary for the course.
- Recommended: the instructor has suggested an item that may be helpful.
Only materials identified by the faculty as “required” are included in the program. All “recommended” materials may be available for purchase separately at the Doane bookstore.
What if a student adds or drops a course?
If a student adds or drops a course, that information is automatically transmitted to the Doane bookstore.
- Added courses: Within 24 hours of adding a course, students will receive an email at their Doane student email address with details to access their digital materials and/or if their materials are already provisioned directly into Canvas. If the course requires physical materials, students will receive an additional email letting them know when the new print materials are ready for pick-up.
- Dropped courses: For courses dropped prior to the last day to drop/add/opt-out/opt-in deadline, access to electronic or digital materials will be automatically disabled. If the course requires physical materials, they must be returned to the Doane bookstore unless otherwise stated.
Do students get to keep their materials at the end of each term?
Required physical materials can be kept by the student at the end of each term and does not have to be returned. Digital materials can be accessed for a minimum of 180 days and may be available for a longer period of time based on the material adopted and the publisher's terms.
What if I can’t Access my digital BryteWave account online?
If your BryteWave course material was delivered as part of the program, then Follett typically sets up these accounts under your academic school email address. You may use the forgot password option at https://brytewave.redshelf.com/accounts/login/ and your Doane student email address to request a password change and to access your BryteWave account.
If it doesn’t recognize your email address, please contact the Doane bookstore to request assistance in confirming what email address was used to fulfill your digital course materials.
Where do I go if I need more assistance?
If you need more assistance, you can find additional resources, support articles and self-help tools, on the Follett customer support page: Customer Support Center. You can also reach out to the Doane bookstore for support.
Will this affect faculty’s textbook selection or academic freedom?
No. Faculty still retain full academic freedom and can choose the materials used in their courses.